The tapes I'm talking about are audio tapes, not the paper tapes that
the steno is on. Most reporters who use audio tapes during a job use
the standard-size cassettes. Some do use the micros, though. Some do
not use audio tapes at all.
I started out with a transcriber to fit the standard size tapes, and
there are several different brands available. You should get a
transcriber with a headset, a foot pedal, and at least two speeds. The
list recently discussed transcribers, and Sony and Sanyo were the two
most often used, with Panasonic being another option. The CAT vendors
do not sell these. You can go to an office supply store or call Martel
Electronics (big CR supply outfit in CA). Martel's phone number is 800-553-5536. Some reporters record on a very slow speed and this
requires a 3rd speed on the transcriber. To my knowledge, Sanyo
(through Martel) is the only machine that you can get with this third
Yes, you might be able to find a used transcriber at a good price at or even CRForum. A transcriber plays the tapes so you can
hear everything that's said. It's used as a backup to the reporter's
writing. Some reporters rely on it more than others. The foot pedal
allows you to stop, start, and back up the tape without using your
hands. The headset keeps everyone in the house from going nuts having
to hear it!
I would say every scopist should have a transcriber.
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